Abrasive Removal System ARSA®

Illustrative photo
The device is in the form of one compact frame on which all devices are located:
- membrane pump
- distributor with pneumatic components
- elektrical distributor
- reverse operation valve system
The catcher contains stainless steel combined suction heads, which suck water with abrasive. Each suction head is connected via a membrane pneumatic valve, which is then controlled and timed by software. The mixture sucked out of the catcher is transported by thick-walled hoses and a membrane pump to the set of settling big-bags. The largest part of the sludge settles in the upper big-bag, after its filling the water overflows into the lower big-bag where the rest of the sludge and abrasive settles. Water that overflows from the lower big-bag is trapped in the tank. The filtered water from the tank is then used to flush the suction heads, swirl the sludge and is thus transported back to the catcher.
Everything is covered in such a way as to prevent possible splashing of water and greater pollution of the surroundings.
Technical parameters:
Lenght: 1850
Width: 1370
Height: 2300
Operating voltage: 230V/50Hz
Operating voltage of output circuits: 24V AC
El. power consumption: 200W
Protection: IP 65
Operating temperature range: + 5 ° C to + 40 ° C
Operating pressure range: 0.4 to 0.6 MPa
Air consumption: 1500l / min
Weight: approx. 700kg